We think Pop's Pizza is suffering from an identity crisis.
Or maybe it just doesn't understand the definition of the word "all." If "all" of your pizzas have thin crusts, then by definition, you cannot sell a thick-crusted pizza.
We also doubt its claims of authenticity. Wouldn't an authentic Sicilian know how to spell Sicilian, we ponder.
And we hate to get picky (OK, no we don't, but it sounds more polite this way), but the last time we checked, Philly isn't one of the buroughs.
And we would be remiss if we let this gem slide:
Did Pop fail history class? Montezuma was an Aztec ruler who was overthrown by Spaniards. Italy was not even in the picture. So why sell an "Italian sandwich" with "Italian sausage" under the name Montezuma's revenge? Between the meatball bomb and this guy, we think Pop may be trying to hint that his sandwiches are best eaten near a restroom. Wouldn't want to
pull a Charlotte!